Thermocouple Daughter Board
It is made for Duet 2 and Duet control boards to combine two thermocouples.
This is a daughterboard designed explicitly for the Duet 2 and Duet control boards that allow two Thermocouples to be attached.
The following boards are supported
- Duet 3 6HC mainboard
- Duet 3 3HC expansion
- Duet 2 Wifi
- Duet 2 Ethernet
- Duet 2 Maestro
- Duex5 Expansion board
This board is based on the MAX31856, so several types of thermocouples (K, J, N, R, S, T, E, and B) are supported. The Duet 3 and Duet 2 support up to two daughterboards, with a further two on a Duex expansion board, and with 4 other daughterboards, a total of 8 PT100 sensors are supported. Thermocouple and PT100 daughterboards can be mixed and matched. The Duet Maestro supports 1 daughterboard.
Duet also provides E3D Type K encased thermocouples and compatible V6/Lite heater blocks.